Thursday, May 3, 2012

Journal #6: Blood Wedding

  • When and how does Lorca break the fourth wall?  What is the affect of reminding the reader that the events on the stage are not real? 
Lorca breaks the fourth wall by making the play obviously show that it is not real. His biggest way he does this is through the poetry and songs in the play. I am sure that the culture when this was written was not like high school musical where they break into song at random points. The Mother-in-law and the wife are singing to the baby in the play which may have been a normal baby lulllaby that was popular during that time period but what struck me was that they switched off the lines at different points. The singing at the wedding was another thing. I think that Lorca put this in the play to remind that the audience that it is not real. He also could have done it to draw them to the more important aspects of the play.

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