Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Journal #3: Their Eyes Were Watching God

1: "Joe Starks is too exact wid folks. All he done made it offa de rest of us. He didn't have all dat when he come here" (pg 49). -Epiphany

2: The town had a basketful of feelings good and bad about Joe's positions and possessions, but none had the temerity to challenge him. They bowed down to him rather, because he was all of these things, and then again he was all of these things because the town bowed down. (pg 50). -Circular logic/ thinking

3: When the people sat around on the porch and passed around the pictures of their thoughts for the others to look at and see, it was nice. (pg 51). -Alliteration of the letter p

4: The great clap of laughter that they have been holding in, bursts out. Sam never cracks a smile. (pg 52) -Syntax

5: She snatched her head away from the spectacle and began muttering to herself. "they oughta be shamed uh theyselves! Teasin' dat poor brute beast lak they is! done been worked tuh death; done had his disposition ruint wid mistreatment, and now they got tuh finish devilin' im tuh death. Wisht Ah had mah way wid 'em ali" (pg 56) -Symbolism
4: Hurston uses her sentence structure here to express how Sam is feeling. The passage has a joking mood where Lige and Walter are teasing Sam. It is a happier more laid back tone that she creates but with the suddenly short sentence, "Sam never cracks a smile," she changes the mood quickly to be distressed or conflicting. The word "crack" and "never" give the sentence a feel of sudden ending which she uses to quickly and easily change the tone.

5: In this passage the mule is symbolizing Janie and the other women in the society. The men are taking advantage of the women they have and Janie is coming to this conclusion. She feels bad for the mule and wishes she could stand up for him although she has no power, which is the same as the mule. He can not support or stand up for himself because the men are controlling him just like they are controlling the women. Especially Janie.

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